A weird compilation of animation experiments from the last few of months, including my first attempt at 3D, sand animation, and flash. Plus a load of other random stuff. Lots of these pieces were done for my animation course at
This piece was for my open brief prject at the Bristol School of Animation (UWE), I completed pretty much all of the animation and editing within one fairly stressful night with absolutely no sleep, but it all worked out in
This is my A-level art final exam piece, I had a total of 12 hours to make this (including editing) so its a bit rough around the edges as I barely finished it in time. However it works well with
See more of my work at – www.claynation.co.uk This is basically a compilation of some of the new styles, and techniques of animation I have been exploring. I’m really trying to expand my abilities into other areas than plasticine, and
I did this animation for my A-level Film Studies coursework. Not counting the days that I didn’t work on it, it took me a little over a week to complete. I had a lot of requests for a sequel to
This is my AS art exam entry, I only had 8 hours time to make this which includes time for the modeling of the plasticine. I have tried a different style to normal, I have combined the use of painted
For this animation I received the craft award in the Furzedown film festival, it also came second in the audiences favourite. Thanks for the support everyone. A man wakes up to find himself in aa white room. This is my