A quick lip sync claymation of a scene out of the classic “Wassup” Budweiser advert from 2000. Entirely shot at 25fps, it took me about 2 hours to complete, and while its kinda rough in places and the characters are simple I enjoyed animating it. Plus it was pretty fun using my light box as […]
A weird compilation of animation experiments from the last few of months, including my first attempt at 3D, sand animation, and flash. Plus a load of other random stuff. Lots of these pieces were done for my animation course at
This piece was for my open brief prject at the Bristol School of Animation (UWE), I completed pretty much all of the animation and editing within one fairly stressful night with absolutely no sleep, but it all worked out in
See more of my work at – www.claynation.co.uk This is basically a compilation of some of the new styles, and techniques of animation I have been exploring. I’m really trying to expand my abilities into other areas than plasticine, and